Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cinta Itu Pelik!!!!!!

Sesedap rasa,sesedap jiwa mengenang perasaan cinta(oh gosh I'm in Love)
betul ker cinta nih boleh buat kita rasa best...boleh hilang kan gundah2 dalam diri
betul ker sume tuh??? (rasa sangsi nih)=P

(orang dalam batu boleh idup...cinta?)Cinta Monkey!!

super stupid...hahahahahah..tatau cmner org leyh pgg quotes "aku boleh idup dgn cinta"...(HOHOI...tk matang agi arr tuh)

so....cam ner nak tau cinta yang extra matang atau just pra matang???
aku pon tak tau...Cinta
top 10 wierd things in da world...
cinta berada pada kedudukan nombor 5 kot...
cinta pelik,cinta pelik,cinta pelik!!!!

"Shall I compare thee to Luke Sky Walker"
"Thou art(actually not)more lovely and more temperate"
"Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade(Death??Death Vader??Darth Vader???)"
"...bla...bla..bla...blabla..(more bla =P )..."
"So long as (galactic)men can breathe or eyes(in google) can see"
"So long lives this and this gives life to thee???!!!"

gilerr sediyh....Love
are love made to hurt,orr just hallucination????
cinta nih ada orang cakap macam dadah...khayal jer..
Khayal High-Giga-High!!!!

Ada jugak yang tak setuju...
Aku jumpa Quotes Yang best...
Love Is Hate..Throw Rocks!!!!!
hahahah(tapi ada ker org baling batu betul-betul???)

ntah laa....Cinta Memang pelik..
kalau tanya 100 orang...
100 jawapan lain...
Gilerr giga track!!!

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