Wednesday, June 8, 2011

-Here I am- Full=STOP!

start our day with a smile...itupun kalau boleh smile...
so,hari ni ak rase cm sangat2 takkeruan..this just come...
semalamnya dgn luahn perasaan kt seorg sahabat rapat...
tapi ak rase die da silap faham kot,and that makes me look bad...
oh no! now i'm the bad guy...(i'm so dead)

dan hari ni pulak just post somthing kt wall seseorang...
ak estimate dalam 4 perkataan kot...(actually banyak,just ak tak letak space)
budak tu pulak kene serang...and that makes me look mre bad than before...

haish...what a karma here...i hope this day will end..
i just can't livelike this...i deserve to be loved right?
so karma,why dont u just love me so true?
and the bad karma just go away...?
i think that's not how it work...

ak lak tak leh tido mengenang perkara yg dajadi...
terasa cm ak da aniaya budak kot...
seb bek de sorg adik nih bgtau,yg akak tu cm bersedih...
if not,msti ak cmwat innocent je..
YOH!!!!!!!!!! bersalah giler~

ape ak da wat nih...
i'm sorry to those who i treated so badly before...maaf....ana asif~

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